Rustic Glory Soap Company began very simply. After working in the Culinary Industry for 9 years as a Pastry Chef, I was burnt out and unmotivated. I needed a change.
In May of 2019, after months of prayer and soul-searching, I made the decision to leave my job of 4 years.
During my sabbatical, I began watching soap-making videos on YouTube purely for entertainment.
Soon, I found myself taking notes and doing additional research. I was gobbling up information as quickly as I could find it. I was excited to try it out for myself. My spark was coming back!
I began making small batches of soap - with a focus on all-natural, skin-nourishing ingredients. I loved it instantly! My loved ones all commented on how beautiful they were, and that is when I began to think that this could be a business.
I did even more research and began to fine-tune my recipes. Several months and GALLONS of coconut oil later, here we are!
I decided to name this company Rustic Glory because I believe that infinite beauty and nourishment can be found in the rustic and natural gifts of this world. Why use a green dye, when Spirulina powder imparts a beautiful green hue, without any chemicals? Why use a lemon fragrance, when Lemon essential oil imparts a beautiful, fresh scent - along with countless skin benefits?
My intention with Rustic Glory is to combine my creative and culinary skills to produce a line of all-natural bath and body products that are not only pleasing to the eye, but nourishing to the skin. And, it is my hope that this journey will inspire others to go within and find their own glorious spark!
God Bless!